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Two hundred years

Oh yes we love our ancestral tree

And that is just a hop, skip and jump backward

On the family history

Yet our dear elephants –

Matriarch, bull, aunts and the young

Walking ever onward

Out of Africa ahead of man

And now only a million

Down from 25 million in 1800 A.D.

Anno Domani

After Christ

And yet we butcher them for tusks

The tool that cleared the path

To everywhere when the climate changed.

But now we kill for tusks

And ship them from Africa

In charter jets

Absconded from dead mammals

Every one of them

Our responsibility

Every useless murder for money

Should be avenged

By someone of us eight billion humans

Slaughtering the species to just a million

            Well, we must adapt

            We must protect our habitat

            And imprison people who would eliminate

            Precious evolved species for gold

            And then to stock

            Securities issued legally

            And then to family fortunes

            Bequeathed to insolvent heirs and causes                


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