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A series of true statements
Aligned to develop a theme
Logic, truth, time, decisions
Law, statutes, logistics, vehicles
Trusts, estates, accounts and bequests
Totally sum amounts ubiquitous and austere
As if money was pure
When each dollar came from somewhere
Other than pretend
And the cost of living
Did not include an arm and a leg
Leaving the renter with nothing
And the property owner with everything
Because in America
Title is sacred
And equities forge ahead
Even as the dollar recedes
In comparative safety
As a whole world of rich folks –
Tens of millions of millionaires
Diversify and hold title
Until Bernie came along
With a gaggle and crooked finger
Pointing . . . ever pointing
Into space and imagined malfeasance
Until the bubble is burst
And the hot air of capital
Is spewed into the atmosphere
Call it, equity
Call it, reparations
Call it, democracy
And to the 51% goes the ivory tusks
And the trillions of printed dollars

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