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So there I was

Prepared by a lifetime

Having lived through

The states of mind

That preoccupy youth and far beyond

Having seen the logical exposition

How these mental states lead to others

Often unforeseen

            The heat of pursuit

            The arc of aloneness

            The ascension of romance

            And the closing of the deal

            The illusions, the physical elements

            Changing circumstance

            And anxious moments

The whirlwind of emotions

That come with children

The growth, the anticipation

Always another challenge

Another game, another test

And all the tender mercies of God

Are seen in the child’s eyes

When the giver is you

And you have given what was needed

Encompassing the whole of the child

Through a long life

The confidence and kindness

To be a benefit to others

And you lie down peacefully

At long last

Having seen the fruit develop

Knowing what a plan was

What dreams and hopes were

And how to make a fitting end

Where all these wonders are recognized    


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