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Listen, watch, observe

Unbound by philosophical views.

Grounded in science and facts

But understanding limits of research

And how understanding grows each year

Listen to religious views

Listen to explanation

Hear the psalms

Blessed visit by God’s son

Hear the Hindu and Muslim too

Listen to the Old Testament

And all the reformed and orthodox Jews

Many more to hear I’m sure

While none need to be held as true

Other than what it really means to you

         Allow yourself freedom

         To accept our imperfection

         And the yearning for meaning

         For connection to something greater

         Than the human life and its extinction

         Perhaps in that seeking nature

         Lies our individual hope

         For relief from suffering

         Either past, current or mentally ahead

One can simply not dwell

Provide encouragement by example

Bless each healthy day with kindness

And breathe free and easy

Knowing you have a clear mind

Watching and listening without opinion

Helping here and there   


©Calm Publishing 2018

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