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Happiness seems

A cool clear pool of thought

Absent anger

Absent greed

            Remembering what you have

            Which if your health is good

            Is all you really need

            If all others and their things were gone

                        You would walk around

                        Just looking for a companion

                        However brief

                        Just another set of human eyes

Commenting on our condition

Brighter and more understanding

Than a dog or bird or monkey

Someone who knows

Their body will die

And wonders what is left

            If others

            And all their things were gone

            This one other human

            Could perhaps like you

            Perhaps touch you kindly

            Or even help with fishing

But when that one other

Were to be found

Cyclops or Venus

Da Vinci or anonymous beauty

You would be happy

            In the absence of anger and greed

            Happiness ensues

            It is the natural state

            When in good health                       


©Calm Publishing

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