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A symphony never running out of new melodies

A choreographer always with an original lift

Able to take the sweeping grandeur

Of an entire orchestra

And represent it in an intimate moment

In a passionate “dance for two”

Yet move a whole troop

To the tune of a single trumpet

            Who are the artists in the crowd?

            Do they sit in the front row

            Secret themselves in the boxes?

            Is there a genius in the furthest seat

            Or does she grace standing room

            So keen on absorbing beauty

            That she feels on stage

            As if the lights shone on her

            Illuminating each feature

            Her hair, face, shoulders, legs and skin

            Her smile simply overwhelming them

            It’s subtlety conveying each whim

            It’s radiance painting the joy within

Home to life

Worthy past, nothing contrived

Assumed to be un-matchable

But finding hope in abandonment

Of these complicated notions of pre-conceptions

            Darling girl

            You look so clear

            As though without fear

            A noble bearing and confidence

            Worthy of great affection

            To the discerning and gifted man

            Who seems blessed again


©Calm Publishing

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